Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Be Like a Stick Figure

Tuesday, January 26

Well, this is my last full day in Harrisburg.  And a day of no shopping – either in Lansdale or out.

So we’re going to talk about a Facebook fad instead.

I know a lot of you are on Facebook.  And unless you have been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you have been seeing a lot of stick figures.  Stick figures telling you to be a lot like Bill.  Or Mary, or Tom, or Sue, or <fill in your own name>.

You know that stick figure.  The one wearing an ice-cream sundae on his head?  Well, it might be a knit cap.  But I think it’s an ice-cream sundae.

This has become such a “thing” that Time has even written about it.

That stick figure tells you about an annoying habit that people have.  Or sometimes an inspirational endeavor.  And then tells you to be, or not be like Bill.  Or Mary, or Tom, or Sue, of <fill in your own name>.

Now you can go to a web site and fill in your own name, and it will give you a random saying.  And allow you to “try again” if you don’t like the first one.  Find one you like, and it lets you post it to Facebook.

It might give you:

“This is Bill.
Bill doesn't annoy his friends by asking stupid questions.
Bill simply googles them instead.
Bill is smart.
Be like Bill.”


“This is Bill.
Bill is going to celebrate a new age.
Bill doesn't complain he is old.
Bill knows he is more mature.
Bill is smart.
Be like Bill.”

So find one you like, and post it.  And it has taken over Facebook.

How smart is this generator, I wonder?  Can it truly capture my essence?  I’m sure it’s just a dumb generator,  because I’m seeing the same things over and over.

So I went over to the web site and typed my name in.  This is the one I got:


Whoa!  The random generator is a little smarter than I think!

Back to Lansdale and back to shopping tomorrow!

So, today’s score:

No shopping at all

Let’s see what today brings!


  1. Just changed my credit card company to local Wells Fargo Paul Czurylo came and set up my terminal and gave me REAL customer service.West Main Consignment

  2. Just changed my credit card company to local Wells Fargo Paul Czurylo came and set up my terminal and gave me REAL customer service.West Main Consignment

  3. That's great to hear! Sounds like the way banks used to work!
