Saturday, January 16, 2016

Champagne and underwear. It's Friday!

Friday, January 15

I thought today would be too busy with work to get anything done.  But as the day unfolded, money was spent!

Ken started the day out by going food shopping.  Yes – outside the borough, because we don’t have a supermarket.  Giant in Hatfield.  We are up to a 60 cent discount on gas!

Lansdale Shopping Score:  Zero (I would have if I could have, but it’s something not available in the borough)

He also went to the State Store.  Our archaic, Soviet-era inspired State Store.

While we do have one in the borough, in the Hillcrest Shopping Center, the selection there is poor limited and the store is small.  And there was a reason we had to go to the one just outside the borough on Valley Forge Road.  We had made a special order.

In December, I read about a study that shows that people who drink champagne regularly have a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s later in life.

Now don’t go Snopsing this and proving it to be an internet rumor.  I’m sure it is a fine study, and I’m 100% dedicated to preserving my mental health later in life.

What really happened is that we found an Italian sparkling wine on sale.  Glera Vino Frizzante.  Looked interesting, so we bought a bottle.  Instead of the traditional champagne cork and cage, it has a bottle cap (with the champagne bottle plastic thing inside).  So – no grown-up version of A Christmas Story – “You'll shoot your eye out.”   Just a nice easy opening bottle with no flying cork.

And it was good!  Really good.  So after reading about the health benefits of champagne, we decided to buy a case.  No, really.  We are irrational like that.

So starts the creaky, rusty wheels of our State Store system.  We ask the really nice lady in the wine section about buying a case.  She consults her 1980s era computer, complaining that it doesn’t work well, and finally locates enough bottles in the area to put a case together.  She writes my name and number down in the margin of a dog-eared notebook.  It looked a bit shaky if you ask me.  She said we would get a call in a week or so.

Well, three weeks later – no call.  So Ken stops in to the State Store to make inquiries.  Goes to the same nice lady who had helped us.  Perhaps she was hanging out at the free sample table too much, because she claimed to have no idea what he was talking about.  Like no one had ever asked to make a special order in her life.  So she sends him up to the office.  Same result.  They send him back to the lady in the wine section!

Now frustrated, and thinking we will never see our case of on sale Italian sparkling wine, he grabs a box of white wine in frustration.

Yes – we at times drink boxed wine.  Don’t judge!  The technology has gotten a lot better, and the wine is good.  Try the Bota brand.

Anyway.  Slightly after that, I get a voicemail.  Honestly, I thought it was from one of those overseas call centers trying to tell me my computer was infected.  I had to listen to it three times before I could even make it out.

You guessed it.  The State Store.  My special order was in.

The takeaway from all of this?  It’s time to dismantle the archaic, prohibition-era State Store system in Pennsylvania and replace it with licensed, private stores.  Like Jersey.  Like Delaware.  Like just about the rest of the United States.    Call your state representative and senator.

Lansdale Shopping Score:  Zero (But I could have)

I did make one quick shopping trip.  On-line and not in the borough.  Since a) I am enjoying writing this blog and, b) people seem to be reading it (over 1,000 readers as of yesterday!), I thought it was time to get a domain name that was easy to tell people.   So here it is:

Spread the word!

Buying it was easy.  Go Daddy is a great place to buy domain names.  Plus, I had a coupon.  So, ten bucks later, and is mine for a year.  Bargain.

Lansdale Shopping Score:  Zero (I would have if I could have, but it’s something not available in the borough)

But now I have to electronically hook that domain up to my blog.  Which is as easy as putting Ikea furniture together while blindfolded.  Cnames, A-records – there was even a step that told me to wait for the error message.  When a How-To includes an instruction-sanctioned error message, you know you’re going to be in for a fun ride. 

Perhaps the people from the State Store wrote the instructions.

But it’s working! And it's now dinner time.

We want to go out to dinner with the kids and grandkids.  A two and a half year old and a three month old.  That does limit our choices.  Where can we go that is kid friendly, has a table for six tucked away in the back, and takes reservations on a busy Friday night?

We go out of the borough.

Casey’s Saloon in Hatfield.  We love it there – particularly for the staff.  The waitresses are all so nice, they treat us like royalty, and they have weeknight specials that are great.  Wednesday night is rib night.  Really good ribs.  Thursday night is steak night.  Every night is a good night!  The grandkids were both angels.  We will be back.

Lansdale Shopping Score:  Zero (But I could have)

So, my final stop was at a Lansdale establishment.

I went to the library in my underwear.  WAIT!  That didn’t come out right!  I would never wear underwear at the library!  ACK!!  That’s even worse!

Let me start again.  As I was going to bed, I realized that I was a dozen pages away from finishing the book I was reading.  And I wanted another one.  Free would be nice.

So I went to the Lansdale Library web site.  Where, with just your library card, you can download books from a vast collection of e-books.  For free.

Easy to navigate, and a wide selection.  And free.

I chose “Go Set a Watchman” by Harper Lee.  It came out in July, but I hadn’t read it yet.  A few clicks later, and the book is on my Kindle.  And I’m in bed.  Getting my free library book.

This is one of the best benefits I get from my local taxes.  We have a great library.  One that keeps up with the times.  And allows me to check out books.  At home.  In my underwear.

Lansdale Shopping Score:  1

So, today’s score:

ONE opportunity to shop/eat in Lansdale met.

TWO needs not fulfilled by a Lansdale establishment.

TWO needs met outside the borough when I could have stayed here.

Let’s see what today brings!

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